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Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet salami ham hock ham, hamburger corned beef short ribs kielbasa biltong t-bone drumstick tri-tip tail sirloin pork chop.


Making API calls more resilient

2 minute read

In the world of networked applications, call failures are a common occurrence due to the inherent unreliability of networks. When working with the Azure Cost...

How to get a token to access the Azure cost API

1 minute read

The Azure Cost CLI is a command-line dotnet tool created to facilitate interaction with Azure’s cloud costs. While the development of the tool was a technica...

Monitoring options for API Management

less than 1 minute read

Monitoring your API Management operations is important. It gives you insight in the usage, the load and performance. But also helps you troubleshoot issues a...

What is the QUERY HTTP verb all about

1 minute read

Did you ever hear about the QUERY HTTP verb in your REST API? You might know the GET and POST, but when to use the newly proposed QUERY method? First; why ar...

Being on call

3 minute read

True DevOps means you build it, you run it. You are responsible for the whole stack, including production. And when it comes to production, you have of cours...

How to monitor a 24 hour global event

4 minute read

For the last three years, Xpirit and Solidify organize the Global DevOps Bootcamp, an online event that teaches people about the DevOps practices using Micro...

Generate Kubernetes Access Token

2 minute read

There are various ways to connect to a Kubernetes cluster, but for a recent event (GDBC) I needed to connect to an Azure Kubernetes Cluster using an API call...

Mess up your wall with Scribit

1 minute read

I recently received my Scribit, a wall drawing robot, that I backed using Kickstarter. You can read more about the device at the Kickstarter website or direc...

Canonical URLs in an HTTP API

2 minute read

When you are building an HTTP API, you need to make sure your endpoints have a canonical URI structure. You can describe a canonical URL as your preferred en...

Override docker-compose port numbers

1 minute read

When you are using a docker-compose yaml file, you basically describe how your containers need to run and interact with each other. Part of this are the port...

Integrate and change a VSTS pull request

2 minute read

You might have seen it with GitHub; when you do a pull request there will most likely be a build being kicked off and that influences the state of the pull r...

Use health endpoints in ASPNET Core with Docker

3 minute read

It is important to know if your nicely created application is still working correctly, but you do not want to keep refreshing your browser and seeing if that...

The importance of planning poker

4 minute read

When you practice the scrum process, then one of the artifacts is planning poker. It is a method to gather estimates for the stories and with teams new to sc...

Save money in Azure by shutting down VMs

4 minute read

In Azure, you pay for what you use. And when we talk about virtual machines, this means that you pay for the compute, network and storage. This is charged by...

Password complexity

5 minute read

The complexity of picking a good password and what you can do as a developer

Kubernetes on Azure

3 minute read

There are a lot of resources on how to setup Kubernetes on Azure, but they require some prerequisites, so I wanted to make a step by step guide here.
